[WooCommerce] Product Shipping Classes

Shipping classes can be used in WooCommerce to group products of a similar type and provide different shipping rates to different classes of products.

If your WooCommerce products have been assigned shipping classes, then the products in your connected QPilot Site will include the "slug" of that shipping class and a separate shipping rate (in WP-Admin > Autoship Cloud > Shipping Rates) must be created for each shipping class in order for a shipping rate to apply to Scheduled Orders for each product.

If not all of your WooCommerce products have been assigned a shipping class, then you should create a separate shipping rate that doesn't include a shipping class so that those products without a shipping class can also match with a shipping rate.

If none of your WooCommerce products have been assigned a shipping class, then none of your shipping rates will need to include a shipping class.

Understanding Shipping Classes 

What Shipping Classes look like in WooCommerce

To see if a single WooCommerce Product uses a shipping class, as an administrator, visit  WP-Admin > Products and edit the WooCommerce Product.  Scroll to the "Product Data" section and then select the "Shipping" tab to see if a shipping class has been assigned.

To see how many WooCommerce Products have been assigned a shipping class, as an administrator, visit WP-Admin > WooCommerce > Settings >> Shipping (Tab) and select "Shipping classes".

In the Shipping Classes view, you will see all shipping classes, including their "slug" and a count of how many products have been assigned each shipping class.

In this screen capture, an administrator edits a single WooCommerce Product to see what shipping class has been assigned to the Product and then locates the "slug" for the shipping class in WooCommerce Settings:

What Shipping Classes look like in Autoship Cloud

When you enable a WooCommerce Product for Autoship, the shipping class is included in the product data that is synchronized with your connected QPilot Site.

Merchants can quickly confirm which of the Products they've enabled for Autoship include a shipping class by visiting WP-Admin > Autoship Cloud > Products and then sorting the Products view by the "Shipping Class" column.  This will display Products in order by their shipping class "slug".

All Products that display a shipping class "slug" will require a shipping rate that includes the shipping class "slug". 

Creating a Shipping Rate for a Shipping Class

To create a new Shipping Rate, visit WP-Admin > Autoship Cloud > Shipping Rates and select the "add" (or "+") button. You can learn more here: Shipping Class Field

When creating the new Shipping Rate, add the "slug" for the shipping class in the "Shipping Class" field.  You can add the shipping class "slug" by:

  • typing the "slug" into the Shipping Class field
  • selecting the "slug" from the dropdown for the Shipping Class field

Important: If not all of your WooCommerce Products are assigned a shipping class, then you will need to create Shipping Rates that do not use a shipping class as well. 

In this example and screen capture, a merchant adds a "Free Shipping" rate that will apply to Scheduled Orders for products that have the shipping class slug "small-item" assigned to them.  The result?  Products that do not have a shipping class assigned to them will receive a Free Shipping rate and Products using the "small-item" shipping class will also receive a Free Shipping rate.