[WooCommerce] Scheduled Order Processing Errors
Processing Error Codes
When a Scheduled Order fails to complete processing, the status of the Scheduled Order is set to "Failed" and a notification is sent to your QPilot Site's Contact(s) explaining the error and suggested next steps to resolve the error.
The following are errors that can occur while processing a Scheduled Order:
Code | Response | Definition | WooCommerce Order Status |
1000 | EmptyScheduledOrder | No items were added to the Scheduled Order | No Order created in WooCommerce |
1001 | NoItemsToShip | No items are available to process for the Scheduled Order | No Order created in WooCommerce |
1002 | ShippingRateNotFound | One or more shipping rates could not be applied to the Scheduled Order | No Order created in WooCommerce |
1003 | PaymentIntegrationNotFound | No payment integration exists for the selected payment method on the Scheduled Order | No Order created in WooCommerce |
1004 | PaymentMethodNull | No payment method is selected for the Scheduled Order | No Order created in WooCommerce |
2000 | PaymentFailed | The selected payment method for the Scheduled Order did not process successfully | Failed |
3000 | ClientOrderCreationFailure | The WooCommerce site did not respond successfully to QPilot's API request to Create the Order | Unknown: if Order(s) exists, then Pending Payment, On Hold or Failed Status |
3001 | ClientOrderUpdateFailure | The WooCommerce site did not respond successfully to QPilot's API request to Update the Order | Unknown: the Order exists, may have a status of Processing, Pending Payment, On Hold or Failed |
3002 | ClientOrderCreationInvalidResponse | The WooCommerce Site responded to QPilot's request to create the WooCommerce Order with an invalid order. | Unknown: the Order exists, but is Invalid and may have a status of Incomplete, Pending Payment, or On Hold |
99 | UnknownError | An unknown error occurred during processing | Unknown: if Order(s) exists, then Pending Payment, On Hold or Failed Status |
Error 99: UnknownError
- WooCommerce Order Status: Unknown
- if Order(s) exists, then Pending Payment, On Hold or Failed Status
- Payment Processing Status: Unknown
- if a payment did attempt to process, it must be verified within the payment gateway
- Scheduled Order Status: Failed
- This is a Processing error so the Scheduled Order status is set to Failed after the Unknown Error occurs.
What this error means:
An unknown error occurred during processing.
Potential causes for this error:
- The cause for the error is unknown to the user and must be reviewed by QPilot.
Suggested next steps:
- Contact QPilot Support at customers@QPilot.cloud with the Scheduled Order ID or customer email address of the Failed Scheduled Order
After resolving this issue:
Use the action to Restart Processing the Failed Scheduled Order.
How do I retry processing a Scheduled Order that failed?
To retry processing a Scheduled Order, please review this doc or follow "After resolved This Issue" in the sections above: Retry Processing Failed Scheduled Orders