[WooCommerce] Autoship Link Builder: Upselling Subscription Products

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The Autoship Link Builder is a form that helps WordPress Admins easily create URL's that include Autoship Options within the link.

The Link Builder can be found by editing a WooCommerce Simple Product or a WooCommerce Product Variation, locating the Product Data > Autoship (tab), and selecting the link  "Click to Show / Hide the Autoship Link Builder".

Autoship Link Types

Add to Cart: Add a Product or Variation with Autoship Options to the Cart

In this case, a customer doesn't have to be logged in or have an existing Scheduled Order. Therefore, this link is best used to generate new Scheduled Orders from new or existing customers on your site. 

Add to Scheduled Order: Add a Product or Variation with Autoship Options to a Scheduled Order

This option is best used to add value to or reward existing Scheduled Orders. This link can also be used to promote new products to existing customers, offer discounted and one-time products, and more.  

Important Note: If you select "Add to Scheduled Order" and the customer does not have any existing Scheduled Order then this link will not apply (and no Scheduled Order will be created). 


Add to Cart: Add Product with Quantity and Frequency Selected

  • Customer does not need to be logged in
  • Customer does not need to have an existing Scheduled Order

Add to Scheduled Order: Add Product to an Existing Scheduled Order

  • Customer must be logged in or will be asked to log in after selecting the link
  • Customer needs to have at least 1 Scheduled Order that is not in a  "Deleted" status

Add to Scheduled Order: Add Product One Time Only to an Existing Scheduled Order

  • Customer must be logged in or will be asked to log in after selecting the link
  • Customer needs to have at least 1 Scheduled Order that is not "Deleted" status
  • Product will be added 1 Time Only (removed from Scheduled Order after the next processing cycle)

Product Variations: Building Autoship Links for Specific Variations

When using the Link Builder for Product Variations, you'll find an additional selection in the form to select the specific product variation that you want to include.