[WooCommerce] How Autoship Prices Work

Table Of Contents

  1. How Autoship Prices Work
  2. Where to Set Autoship Prices
    1. What Happens If I Update My Product Prices? 
  3. How Autoship Price is Displayed to Customers
  4. How Autoship Prices Display to an Admin in Scheduled Orders

[WooCommerce] How Autoship Prices Work

As a merchant, you have the option to set prices for products enabled for Autoship for customers at Checkout as well as for Recurring Autoship Orders.

  • Autoship Checkout Price($) is the price that is offered at WooCommerce cart/checkout when a product selected for Autoship is added to the cart.
  • Autoship Recurring Price($) is the price that is offered for the product on recurring Scheduled Orders (when QPilot processes orders made over the WooCommerce API).  

Both of these prices  are optional to offer. 

  • If no Autoship Checkout Price or Autoship Recurring Price is provided, the WooCommerce Regular Price for the product or variation will be used for checkout as well as recurring Scheduled Orders.
  • If both Autoship Checkout Price and Autoship Recurring Price are set to the same value, then the price is simply displayed as "Autoship and Save x%".

To learn more about Product Pricing see here: Product Prices

Where to Set Autoship Prices

Simple Products: Set the Autoship prices of Simple Products from the Autoship tab in the WP-Admin > Products >> Edit Product page.

Variable Products: Set the Autoship prices for variable products from the Variations tab in the WP-Admin > Products >> Edit Product page.

What Happens If I Update My Product Prices? 

When you update Regular, Sale, or Autoship Checkout/Recurring product pricing in WP-Admin > Products, these changes will only affect new Scheduled Orders by default. 

If you want to update existing Scheduled Order pricing, you can learn more here: How can I update product prices for existing Scheduled Orders?

How Autoship Price is Displayed to Customers

The Autoship Cloud plugin will automatically calculate the % percentage of savings by comparing the WooCommerce Product's Regular price to the Autoship Checkout Price. 

Note: If you would like to calculate the % percentage of savings for all WooCommerce Products, you can perform a bulk update of the Autoship Checkout Price within the "Utilities" tab in  WP-Admin > Autoship Cloud > Settings.

Prices set when editing a product: 

The price display on the product page: 

The Autoship Recurring Price will only display to your customer in My Account > Scheduled Orders after Scheduled Order creation. 

Protip! Showing Autoship options can optionally be presented within the Cart by enabling an option within Autoship Cloud > Settings (Additional Options). As shown below.

How Autoship Prices Display to an Admin in Scheduled Orders

When editing a Scheduled Order as an admin, you will see a Price and Sale Price for each product.
  • Price: Refers to the WooCommerce Product's "Regular Price"
  • Sale Price: Refers to the WooCommerce Product's "Autoship Recurring Price"

admin scheduled order prices