[WooCommerce] 8. Testing Scheduled Orders

Note: Until you have activated your Online Merchant Account, no recurring Autoship Orders will be processed. However, you can still test the functionality of creating Scheduled Orders.

Testing an Autoship Checkout: Scheduled Order Created from Checkout

  1. As a customer, visit your online store and visit a product page.
  2. Select a frequency for the product (for example: Every 2 Months).
  3. With a selected frequency, add the product to the cart.
  4. Add as many products as you like (including as many different frequencies and types as you wish!) to your cart and complete checkout using a test credit card number.
  5. After the initial checkout, Autoship Cloud will create a Scheduled Order for each selected frequency.
  6. As the same customer, visit My Account > Scheduled Orders, where you can add / remove / change quantity of items, alter the date of the next occurrence of the schedule, and change the frequency for each Scheduled Order.
  7. As the WordPress Admin, visit WP-Admin > Autoship Cloud > Scheduled Orders where you can view a list of all Scheduled Orders that have been created so far.

Testing Automated Scheduled Order Processing: WooCommerce Order Created from Scheduled Order

As the admin, you can quickly test the automated processing of Scheduled Orders.

Note: you should do this with your own Scheduled Order after completing the testing steps 1-7 (above)

  1. Edit the Scheduled Order you wish to test (WP-Admin > Autoship Cloud > Scheduled Orders > Edit)
  2. Ensure that the status of the Scheduled Order is "Active"
  3. Set the Next Occurrence Date to a past date (for example: yesterday's date)
  4. Within 5-10 minutes, Autoship Cloud's engine will attempt to process the Scheduled Order

If the Scheduled Order processed successfully, you will see a new WooCommerce Order created and the Scheduled Order will have a new Next Occurrence Date.

If the Scheduled Order processing failed, you will see that status for the Scheduled Order "Failed".

Select the "info" icon displayed on the Scheduled Order to see why the Scheduled Order failed.

More articles on testing Autoship Cloud can be found here:  Testing Autoship Cloud

Test Failed/Paused Scheduled Order Processing

As the admin, you can quickly test how to retry the processing of Scheduled Orders with the status of Failed or Paused.

Note: you should do this with your own Scheduled Order after completing the testing steps 1-7 (above)

  1. Locate the failed or paused Scheduled Order you wish to retry (WP-Admin > Autoship Cloud > Scheduled Orders)
  2. For a failed or paused Scheduled Order, you will see additional actions:
    1. Activate: this action will set the Scheduled Order status back to "Active"
    2. Process Now: this action will immediately attempt to process the "Paused" Scheduled Order
    3. Restart Processing: this action will immediately retry processing the "Failed" Scheduled Order by starting a new processing cycle.
    4. Continue Processing: this action will immediately continue processing the "Failed" Scheduled Order without starting a new processing cycle.

If the Scheduled Order processed successfully, you will see a new WooCommerce Order created and the Scheduled Order will have a new Next Occurrence Date.

If the Scheduled Order processing failed, you will see that status for the Scheduled Order "Failed". Select the "info" icon displayed on the Scheduled Order to see why the Scheduled Order failed.

More articles on testing Autoship Cloud can be found here: Testing Autoship Cloud

Continue to Step 9: Next Steps After Testing