[WooCommerce] TrustCommerce

Required for this integration:

Supported Features

  • Tokenization - This gateway tokenizes payment methods in a way that allows Autoship Cloud to create and pay for recurring orders automatically.  In TrustCommerce, this feature is known as the "TC Citadel"
  • Authorize Only - This type of transaction is supported for Autoship Cloud.  

Not Supported by Autoship Cloud

  • Check Payments are not a supported payment method type for Autoship Cloud Scheduled Orders

Setup TrustCommerce Saved Payment Methods 

To do this, navigate (in your WP-Admin) to  WooCommerce > Settings > Payments > TrustCommerce (either at the top of the page where all the plugins are listed as text or at the bottom where the enabled/disabled gateways are displayed). 

Once there, you will need to ensure that "Tokenization" is enabled by enabling the setting "Save Customers to TC CitadelĀ®:"

Setting up TrustCommerce gateway with Autoship Cloud

Use the TrustCommerce API Merchant Id, Public, and Private Key entered into WooCommerce above and follow the steps in outlined in our doc here to start testing quickly. 

You are now ready to test  Checkout and Scheduled Orders with Autoship Cloud.

Required Fields for TrustCommerce Payments

Payment methods saved with TrustCommerce TC Citadel use one unique payment ID to reference a saved payment method that belongs to the customer.

When a saved payment method is created via WooCommerce Checkout or within My Account, this unique ID is applied in the GatewayCustomerId field of payment methods on Scheduled Orders for recurring billing.

  • GatewayCustomerId: Required
    • Example Value: T48Y9W

The other payment field available to payment methods on Scheduled Orders, GatewayPaymentId, should always be left null (or "empty")

  • GatewayPaymentId: Null

Along with other billing fields, like Name and Address, the GatewayCustomerId can be used to add new payment methods when Editing Scheduled Orders.

Additional Resources 

Customer updated their saved payment method's billing address? 

When a customer updates their billing address on payment methods saved to TrustCommerce, it is recommended they create a new payment method in  My Account > Payment Methods after updating their Billing Address in My Account > Addresses.

You can learn more about this process here: How Customers Update Their Billing Address