[WooCommerce] CyberSource Payments
Required for this integration
- WooCommerce CyberSource Payment Gateway download here.
- CyberSource Token Management Service (used to create and manage saved payment methods for Autoship Scheduled Orders)
- Working checkout able to process and save CyberSource payment methods. View documentation here.
Supported Features
- Tokenization: This gateway tokenizes payment methods in a way that allows Autoship Cloud to request payment for recurring orders
- Credit Card Payments: Only credit card payments are supported with CyberSource
Unsupported Features
- CyberSource eCheck payments
- CyberSource Visa Checkout
- CyberSource Digital Wallet payments
Setting up CyberSource payments with Autoship Cloud (Test Mode)
Once you have ensured that the CyberSource gateway can successfully process a test order via checkout and save a test payment method in your store, you'll need to set add the payment integration to Autoship Cloud.
To do this, navigate in your WordPress Admin to WP-Admin > Autoship Cloud > Payment Integrations. Once there, select the "Add" button (blue circle with the "+" sign in it) to add a new payment integration.
You should see the following screen:
Make sure that "Test Mode" is enabled (unless you are ready to begin using the gateway in Live mode), select the "Payment Method Type" dropdown, and then select "CyberSource v2", enter the same API credentials that you used to configure the plugin in your WooCommerce Settings to the appropriate fields.
When you have added your settings, select "CREATE".
You should now see a new CyberSource V2 payment integration in your Payment Integrations list!
Placing a Test CyberSource order as a Test Customer
Before using a payment gateway in "Live Mode", it is necessary to ensure that it works in "Test Mode" (sometimes referred to as "Sandbox Mode").
You can place a test order on your site by adding at least 1 product scheduled for Autoship to your cart and selecting CyberSource as your payment method at checkout.
Use a CyberSource test card number to test placing an order as a customer via CyberSource and saving your test payment method to pay for your Scheduled Order.
Placing your test order via CyberSource:
1. Visit your store as a customer (make sure you are logged out of the WordPress Admin)
2. Add at least 1 item scheduled for Autoship to your Cart.
3. Complete a checkout using a CyberSource test card number
4. Verify that the order has successfully processed
5. As the same customer, visit My Account > Scheduled Orders and verify that you have created a Scheduled Order, and that the products, schedule frequency, and payment method for the Scheduled Order are all correct.
6. Log back into your site as an administrator, navigate to WP-Admin > Autoship Cloud > Scheduled Orders, and verify that the newly created Scheduled Order is present in your list of Scheduled Orders and includes the CyberSource test card number (that was used at checkout).
Going Live
Once you have successfully completed an Autoship checkout in "Test Mode", and verified that a Scheduled Order was created, you are ready to enter "Live Mode" (in which actual charges will be created).
To do this you will need to:
1. Create and/or log in to you Live CyberSource account (Note: this should be different than your test or "sandbox" account)
2. Navigate to WP-Admin > WooCommerce > Settings >> Payments >> CyberSource Credit Card, and enter the API credentials from your Production CyberSource account, and change the setting for Environment from "Test" to "Production". Select "Save changes".
3. Next, navigate to WP-Admin > Autoship Cloud > Payment Integrations and select "Edit" (the pencil icon) for your "CyberSource v2" integration. Replace the Test API credentials with the Live API Credentials from step 2, and uncheck the box for "Test Mode". Select "Save" to confirm your changes.
Important! Your connected QPilot Site must be set as a "Production" environment in order to be able to switch to a "Production" environment.
You are now ready to test Checkout and Scheduled Orders with Autoship Cloud.
Additional Resources
Customer updated their saved payment method's billing address?
When a customer updates their billing address on payment methods saved to CyberSource, it is recommended they create a new payment method in My Account > Payment Methods after updating their Billing Address in My Account > Addresses.
You can learn more about this process here: How Customers Update Their Billing Address