[WooCommerce] XL WooCommerce NMI Payments

Required for this integration:

  • Valid SSL installed for your site
  • Customer Vaulting (for using saved cards)
  • Direct Post API
  • XL WooCommerce NMI Gateway plugin or install via WP-Admin > Plugins: Download and view documentation here
    • Working checkout able to process and save NMI payment methods

Supported Features:

  • Tokenization - This gateway tokenizes payment methods in a way that allows Autoship Cloud to create and pay for recurring orders automatically.
  • Authorize Only - This type of transaction is not currently supported for Autoship Cloud.  Please use Authorize and Capture to avoid issues with recurring billing.

Setting up NMI Payments with Autoship Cloud

Use the NMI Sandbox API Username and Password entered into WooCommerce above and follow the steps in outlined  in our doc here to start testing quickly. 

You are now ready to test  Checkout and Scheduled Orders with Autoship Cloud.

Testing NMI Payments with Autoship Cloud

Before using a payment gateway in Live Mode, it is necessary to ensure that it works in Test Mode (sometimes referred to as Sandbox Mode).

What to know before testing NMI Payments:

  • The NMI gateway does not have different endpoints for test and production. In order to use a test account, you will need to visit your merchant control panel (Settings > Test Mode > ‘Enable Test Mode’).
  • "Test Mode" is not a setting for NMI Payments because enabling the testing environment is only controlled by the settings in the NMI Merchant Portal.
  • By default, all gateway accounts have a duplicate threshold setting of 1200 seconds (20 minutes). This time period can be adjusted, overridden, or turned off completely. Customers will have to contact their merchant service provider to adjust this setting.

How To test NMI Payments: 

1. Ensure your NMI Merchant Portal is set to "Test Mode"

2. Visit your store as a customer (make sure you are logged out as WP Admin)

2. Put an Autoship enabled item in your cart.

3. Complete a checkout using a credit card for NMI Payments as the payment method, using  sandbox credit card info, and filling in the "Create Password" field (this should be required).

4. Verify that the order has successfully processed. 

5. As the same customer, visit My Account > Scheduled Orders, and verify that you have a schedule created, and that the scheduled items and frequency are correct.

6. Log back into your site as WP Admin, navigate to Autoship Cloud > Scheduled Orders, and verify that the newly created schedule is present in your list of Scheduled Orders.

Going Live

Once you have successfully completed an Autoship Cloud checkout and verified that a Scheduled Order was created and the payment method was saved, you are ready to enter Live Mode (in which actual charges will be created). 

To do this you will need to:

1. Create and/or Login to your NMI Merchant Portal and ensure that 'Test Mode' is disabled ( My Settings > Test Mode > ‘Enable Test Mode’)

2. Navigate to WP Admin > Woocommerce > Settings > Checkout > XL WooCommerce NMI Gateway, change the setting for Environment from "Test" to "Production", and enter the username and password from your NMI account. Click "Save changes".

Additional Resources

Customer updated their saved payment method's billing address? 

When a customer updates their billing address on payment methods saved to NMI, it is recommended they create a new payment method in  My Account > Payment Methods after updating their Billing Address in My Account > Addresses.

You can learn more about this process here: How Customers Update Their Billing Address