[WooCommerce] Stripe Payments

Required for this integration:

Compatible Features

  • Tokenization - This gateway tokenizes payments in a way that allows Autoship Cloud to create future orders
  • Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) transactions (with Webhook Secret added to Stripe plugin settings)
  • Stripe SEPA payment methods 

Unsupported Features

  • Digital Wallet Express Checkout (Apple / Google Pay)
  • Payments Request API (Payment Request Buttons) 
  • New (Experimental) Checkout experience (Stripe Settings > Advanced Settings)

Setting up Stripe Payments with Autoship Cloud

To set up Stripe payments in Autoship Cloud, copy the Stripe test API Publishable Key and Secret Key values entered into WooCommerce when setting up the Stripe plugin, and follow the steps in outlined in our doc here to start testing quickly. 

You are now ready to test Checkout and Scheduled Orders with Autoship Cloud.

Testing Stripe Payments with Autoship Cloud in Test Mode

Before using a new payment gateway in Live Mode, it is necessary to use the following steps to ensure that everything is working as expected in Test Mode (sometimes referred to as "Sandbox Mode").

  1. Visit your store as a customer (make sure you are no longer logged in as a WordPress Admin)
  2. Add at least one product scheduled for Autoship to your cart.
  3. As a customer, complete the checkout using a Stripe payment methodAutoship Checkout: When a customer completes a checkout with at least 1 product scheduled for Autoship, this is known as an "Autoship Checkout" because it will result in a Scheduled Order being created based on the schedule(s) that were added to product(s) at checkout.
  4. Verify that the checkout was successfully completed and created a new order in WooCommerce. 
  5. As the same customer, visit My Account > Scheduled Orders, and verify that you have a schedule created, and that the schedule items and frequency are correct.
  6. Log back into the WordPress Admin, navigate to WP-Admin > Autoship Cloud > Scheduled Orders, and verify that the newly created Scheduled Order for that customer is present in your list of Scheduled Orders.

Going Live

Once you have successfully completed an Autoship Checkout and verified that a Scheduled Order was created and the payment method was saved, you are ready to enter Live Mode (in which actual charges will be created). 

  1. First, ensure that you are using "Live" settings and not "Test" or "Sandbox" settings from your Stripe account in WooCommerce.
    1. Navigate to WP-Admin > WooCommerce > Settings >> Payments (tab) >>> Stripe (Credit Card) >>>> Settings (tab) and disable the option for "Enable Test Mode".  Select the "Edit account keys" button and ensure the API credentials from your Live (or "Production") Stripe Account are entered in the "Live publishable key" and "Live secret key" fields.
    2. Select "Save live keys" to confirm your changes.
  2. Next, ensure you are using "Live" settings from your Stripe account in Autoship Cloud
    1. Navigate to WP-Admin > Autoship Cloud > Payment Integrations. Select the "edit" button (pencil icon) at the right end of the record for your Stripe integration and disable the option for "Test Mode". Ensure the API credentials from your Live (or "Production") Stripe Account are entered in the "Publishable key" and "Secret key" fields
    2. Select "Update" to confirm your changes.

Additional Resources 

How do I Refund a Customer for a Scheduled Order Which has Already Processed?

Though refunds can always be performed within the payment gateway, the Autoship Cloud plugin supports refunds directly from the  WP-Admin > WooCommerce > Orders > Edit Order page just like a standard checkout order. 

  1. Edit the WooCommerce order created when the Scheduled Order processed (  Pro-Tip: you can search by the Scheduled Order Id to filter your WooCommerce orders quickly)
  2. Refund the order (partial or full) the same way you would a regular WooCommerce order.
  3. To ensure your data is updated in QPilot, you will want to Edit the Processing Cycle so the charged total is representative of the refunded amount. Though this is optional, this will ensure your reports in QPilot accurate.

Customer updated their saved payment method's billing address? 

When a customer updates their billing address on payment methods saved to Stripe, it is recommended they create a new payment method in  My Account > Payment Methods after updating their Billing Address in My Account > Addresses.

You can learn more about this process here: How Customers Update Their Billing Address