[WooCommerce] Loading Payment Methods From Your Gateway

Autoship Cloud supports payment methods added by your WooCommerce customers at Checkout and within  My Account > Payment Methods.

Additionally, some payment gateways* can provide payment methods directly to Scheduled Orders using the "Load Methods from Gateway" feature when editing a Scheduled Order.

 *Note: this feature is currently supported for Stripe, Authorize.Net CIM and Braintree integrations.

This feature is mostly used for the following purposes:

  1. Attaching an existing payment method to a Scheduled Order
  2. Attaching a newly added payment method to a Scheduled Order
  3. Investigating a Scheduled Order that has failed due to an issue with payment

How to manually load payment methods using the Customer ID:

  1. Edit the Scheduled Order you would like to attach a payment method to and scroll to the "Payment Details" section
  2. Login to your Payment Gateway
  3. Locate the Customer ID you would like to load payment methods for
    1. Note: different gateways will call the "Customer ID" by slightly different names, but for the most part this terminology will be very close to the ID you are looking for.
  4. Copy the Customer ID from your payment gateway
  5. In the Scheduled Order you are editing, select the "Load Methods from Gateway" tab (under "Payment Details")
  6. Select the "Load manually ()" option and paste the Customer ID from your payment gateway into the Gateway Profile Customer ID field
  7. Select the Payment method you would like to apply to the Scheduled Order and click "Update"

(Pictured) In this example, a Customer ID copied from the Payment Gateway account is used to load payments into the Scheduled Order:

How to load payment methods for an existing Customer ID:

If your customer already has a saved payment method and Customer ID available to the Scheduled Order, you can load the available payment methods from their profile without needing to login to your Payment Gateway account.

  1. Edit the Scheduled Order you would like to attach a payment method to and scroll to the "Payment Details" section
  2. In the Scheduled Order you are editing, select the "Load Methods from Gateway" tab (under "Payment Details")
  3. Under "Gateway Customer Profile ID", select the available payment method and Customer ID to load the payment methods available to the Customer
  4. Select the Payment method you would like to apply to the Scheduled Order and click "Update"

(Pictured) In this example, an existing Customer ID is already available to the Scheduled Order:

Attaching a new payment method added within WooCommerce > My Account > Payment Methods:

In addition to saving a payment method used at Checkout, WooCommerce Customers can add payment methods by logging into My Account > Payment Methods.

Once a payment method is added by the Customer via My Account, the payment method is then available within your Payment Gateway and can be added to their Scheduled Order using either the "Load Manually" option or using an existing Customer ID (if available) when editing the Scheduled Order.

This is a popular customer support workflow to resolve common payment issues with Scheduled Orders including:

  1. Changing the payment method used for a specific Scheduled Order
  2. Using a new payment method on a Scheduled Order after a Failed or Declined payment
  3. Correcting mismatched Customer ID and Payment ID's within the Payment Gateway account