autoship_payment_method_gateway_type (filter)

( src/payments.php) Within the autoship_get_payment_method_gateway_type() function and can be used to customize the default classes used by our Schedule-Options script to select various html elements. In addition, the filter can be used to change the gateway type for the available Payment gateways from custom to standard WooCommerce token table supporting gateways. It takes an array of gateway types as its parameters.


$types = apply_filters( 'autoship_payment_method_gateway_type', array(
    'authorize_net_cim_credit_card'       => 'authorize_net',
    'cybersource_credit_card'             => 'cybersource_cc',
    'stripe'                              => 'standard',
    'trustcommerce'                       => 'standard',
    'autoship-test-gateway'               => 'test_gateway',
    'ppec_paypal'                         => 'ppec',
    'braintree_credit_card'               => 'braintree',
    'braintree_paypal'                    => 'braintree_paypal',
    'cybersource'                         => 'standard',
    'nmi_gateway_woocommerce_credit_card' => 'standard',
    'sagepaymentsusaapi'                  => 'standard',
    'square_credit_card'                  => 'square',
    'sagepaydirect'                       => 'standard'