Autoship Metadata Fields Added to WooCommerce Products
Autoship Cloud adds custom metadata fields to your WooCommerce products which contain specific Key : Values used in your store (for example Autoship Frequency Options) and to synchronize your product's with QPilot. These fields are inserted into the WooCommerce product's ' meta_data' array.
The Autoship Cloud metadata fields can be found in src/products.php in the autoship_get_custom_metafield_names() function which also contains the filters to customize them as needed. Below are the metadata field names and descriptions.
- '_autoship_checkout_price'
- The price customers pay when they checkout with an item selected for Autoship
- '_autoship_recurring_price'
- The price customers pay for an item when their Scheduled Order processes
- '_autoship_sync_active_enabled'
- Whether or not Autoship Sync is active for the product
- '_autoship_schedule_order_enabled'
- Can be used to set or receive the property for 'Add to Scheduled Order' in QPilot, which allows customers to add the product to their Scheduled Orders
- '_autoship_schedule_process_enabled'
- Can be used to set or receive the Scheduled Order availability property for 'Process Scheduled Order' in QPilot
- '_autoship_group_ids'
- QPilot product group(s) for product (set in QPilot)
- '_autoship_override_product_data'
- Toggles the showing / hiding of the product data override menu
- '_autoship_title_override'
- The (optional) customized product title used in QPilot
- '_autoship_lengthunit_override'
- The customized length unit used for the product in QPilot (used to store a length unit for a product that may be different than the QPilot site's default units set)
- '_autoship_weightunit_override'
- The customized weight unit used for the product in QPilot (used to store a weight unit for a product that may be different than the QPilot site's default units)
- '_autoship_schedule_options_enabled'
- Whether or not Autoship Options for the product are enabled to display on product pages
- '_autoship_override_frequency_options'
- Toggles the showing / hiding of the product frequency override menu
- '_autoship_frequency_type_{$i}' (overrides default site frequencies)
- Product Frequency type override (Days, Weeks, Months, DayOfTheWeek, DayOfTheMonth)
- '_autoship_frequency_{$i}' (overrides default site frequencies)
- The number of the frequency type used for the selected frequency
- '_autoship_frequency_display_name_{$i}'
- How the frequency option is displayed to customers
- '_autoship_dissable_schedule_order_options' (Variable Products)
- Whether Autoship Options are disabled or not for a Variation
- '_autoship_relative_next_occurrence_enabled'
- Whether or not a Relative Next Occurrence Date for the product has been enabled
- '_autoship_relative_next_occurrence_type'
- The frequency type for the Relative Next Occurrence (Days, Weeks, Months)
- '_autoship_relative_next_occurrence'
- The number of the frequency type used to set the Relative Next Occurrence Date relative to checkout