autoship_update_order_shipping_address_action_handler (function)
( src/scheduled-orders.php) The main handler for the for updating Scheduled Orders payment methods. It takes the (Scheduled) $order_id, and the $data needed to perform the action as parameters and returns whether the update was successful or not.
** * The main handler for the autoship_update_order_shipping_address action * Updates the Shipping Address for the supplied order ID * * @param int $order_id The Autoship Scheduled Order ID * @param mixed $data The Data necessary to perform this action. * @return int|bool|WP_Error True if successful or WR_Error|false on failure. */ function autoship_update_order_shipping_address_action_handler( $order_id, $data ){ //Verify it needs to be updated if possible if ( isset( $data['original_autoship_order'] ) && !empty( $data['original_autoship_order'] ) ) { // Check to see if the address should be updated. $current_address = autoship_order_address_values( $autoship_order, 'shipping' ); $changed = false; // Run through the current Scheduled Order Address Fields and look for changes. foreach ( $current_address as $key => $value) { if ( isset( $data['shipping_address'][$key] ) && ( $value != $data['shipping_address'][$key] ) ){ $changed = true; break; } } // If none of the existing values changed and no new fields were added then no-change. if ( !$changed && ( array_merge( $current_address, $data['shipping_address'] ) == count( $current_address ) ) ){ do_action( 'autoship_after_update_scheduled_order_shipping_address_handler_nochange', $order_id, $action , $data ); wc_add_notice( __( sprintf( 'No changes updated for %s #%s.', autoship_translate_text( 'Scheduled Order' ), $order_id ), 'autoship' ), 'notice' ); return true; } } if ( !isset( $data['original_autoship_order'] ) || empty( $data['original_autoship_order'] ) ){ $data['original_autoship_order'] = autoship_get_scheduled_orders( $order_id ); $data['original_autoship_order'] = autoship_convert_object_to_array( $data['original_autoship_order'] ); } // Run the update method // Method returns WP_Error on failure. return autoship_set_scheduled_order_shipping_address ( $data['original_autoship_order'], $data['shipping_address'] ); }