autoship_log_entry (function)

(src/logger.php) Used to add log files to the Autoship Log. Takes the source for the entry ($context) and the Log message ($message) as parameters. 


 * Add a log entry.
 * @param string $context The source or context for the entry
 * @param string $message Log message.
function autoship_log_entry( $context, $message ){

  // Allow logging to be performed separately when Autoship Logging turned off.
  do_action( 'autoship_before_log_entry', $context, $message );

  if ( !apply_filters( 'autoship_log_entry', true, $context, $message ) )
  return true;

  // Allow adjustments to when the log files are cleaned up.
  // Allows outside management like with a scheduled task ( i.e. WP Cron job )
  if ( apply_filters( 'autoship_clean_logger_files', true ) ){
    $keep_count = autoship_get_logs_keep_count();
    autoship_keep_latest_log_files( $keep_count );

  $logfilename          = autoship_get_log_filename();
  $path                 = trailingslashit( autoship_get_logs_directory() );

  $time    = date_i18n( 'm-d-Y @ H:i:s' );
  $entry   = "[{$time}] {$context} - {$message}";

  // Check for the Log Directory and Make it if it doesn't exist.
  if ( !autoship_maybe_setup_log_directory() )
  return false;

  // Open / Create the Log File
  $log_file = fopen( $path . $logfilename, 'a');

  if ( !$log_file ) {
    error_log( sprintf( 'Autoship Logger Exception: Failed to create or open the log file %s.', $logfilename ) );
    return false;

  fwrite( $log_file, $entry . "\n" );
  fclose( $log_file );

  // Allow for email and other actions after a log entry has been added.
  do_action( 'autoship_after_log_entry', $time, $entry, $context, $message );

  return true;
