(src/orders.php) Searches all Scheduled Orders for a site, can be used to search one customer's Scheduled Orders or Scheduled Orders across all customers. It takes the following parameters:
- $customer_id
- $params (optional)
The function returns an array of Scheduled Order objects if successful or a Wordpress error if it fails.
/** * Searches for scheduled order(s) in QPilot * @uses QPilotClient::get_orders() * If Page is not supplied it's assumed retrieve all orders. * * @param int $customer_id Optional. An Autoship customer id. * @param array $params { * Optional. An array of search parameters. * * @type int $pageSize The default page size. Default 100 * @type string $orderBy A product property to sort the results by * @type string $order The Sort Direction the results should be returned ( DESC vs ASC ) * @type array $statusNames Array of Status names to search for. * @type array $metadataKey Array of Order Metadata keys to search for. * @type array $metadataValue Array of Order Metadata Values to search for. * @type string $search A query string to search for. * } * @return array|WP_Error Array of Scheduled order objects * WP_Error on failure. */ function autoship_search_all_scheduled_orders( $customer_id = NULL, $index = 1, $params = array() ){ $params = wp_parse_args( $params, array( 'pageSize' => 100 ) ); $params['page'] = $index; $client = autoship_get_default_client(); try { $orders = $client->get_orders( $customer_id, $params ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $notice = autoship_expand_http_code( $e->getCode() ); if ( '404' == $e->getCode() ){ $orders = new WP_Error( 'Order(s) Not Found', __( "Orders could not be found in QPilot", "autoship" ) ); $message = isset( $customer_id ) ? sprintf( '%d Order(s) Not Found for Customer %d. Additional Details: %s', $e->getCode(), $customer_id, $e->getMessage() ) : sprintf( '%d Order(s) Not Found matching the search criteria. Additional Details: %s', $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage() ); autoship_log_entry( __( 'Autoship Orders', 'autoship' ), $message ); } else { $orders = new WP_Error( 'Order Retrieval Failed', __( $notice['desc'], "autoship" ) ); $message = isset( $customer_id ) ? sprintf( '%d Order Retrieval Failed for Customer %d. Additional Details: %s', $e->getCode(), $customer_id, $e->getMessage() ) : sprintf( '%d Order Retrieval Failed for the search criteria. Additional Details: %s', $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage() ); autoship_log_entry( __( 'Autoship Orders', 'autoship' ), $message ); } } if ( is_wp_error( $orders ) ) return $orders; if ( $orders->totalPages > $index ){ $index++; $new_orders = autoship_search_all_scheduled_orders( $customer_id, $index, $params ); return !is_wp_error( $new_orders ) ? array_merge( $orders->items, $new_orders ) : $new_orders; } return $orders->items; }