Postmeta and WC Order Itemmeta Tables that store Scheduled Order related data
WooCommerce (and Wordpress) allows custom metadata to be stored in the Wordpress database. Autoship Cloud powered by QPilot utilizes this powerful feature to do things like:
- Share schedule (or custom) data on products selected for Autoship with QPilot for Scheduled Orders created from checkout orders
- Add unique Autoship data to WooCommerce orders used in identifying and processing Scheduled Orders
This article identifies the metadata specific to Autoship on WooCommerce checkout orders which create Scheduled Orders and WooCommerce orders created from Schedule Order processing.
WC Orders Created at Checkout that Produce 1+ Scheduled Orders
Postmeta Table
- - _created_via field // Specifies where the WC Order originated from. In this case it will be set to checkout
- - _autoship_scheduled_order_type field // Specifies if the WC Order is a Source of Scheduled Orders ( i.e. it value is set to source ), meaning it created scheduled orders in Qpilot.
- - _autoship_scheduled_order_expected_count field // Specifies the number of Scheduled Orders this WC Checkout order was expected to create in QPilot
- - _autoship_created_scheduled_order_id field // Stores an array of Scheduled Order IDs generated in QPilot when this WC Checkout Order was created
- - _autoship_created_scheduled_orders_key filed // Stores a hyphen separated list of Scheduled Order IDs generated in QPilot when this WC Checkout Order was created
- - _autoship_created_scheduled_orders_error field // Stores any Errors that occurred when attempting to create one or more Scheduled Orders in QPilot for this WC Checkout Order.
Wc_order_itemmeta Table
- - _autoship_frequency_type field // Specifies the Schedule Type for the Associated WC Order Item ( i.e. Months, Weeks, Days )
- - _autoship_frequency feld // Specifies the Schedule Interval for the Associated WC Order Item ( i.e. 1, 7, 30 )
WC Orders Created from Scheduled Orders Processed in QPilot
Postmeta Table
- - _created_via field // Specifies where the WC Order originated from. In this case it will be set to rest-api
- - _autoship_scheduled_order_type field // Specifies if the WC Order is a Result of Scheduled Order being processed ( i.e. it value is set to result ), meaning it was created from a scheduled orders in Qpilot.
- - _qpilot_scheduled_order_id field // Specifies Scheduled Order ID in QPilot from which this order originates
- - _qpilot_scheduled_order_processing_id field // Specifies the QPilot Processing Cycle ID which generated this order
- - _qpilot_scheduled_order_subtotal field // Stores the original Subtotal from QPilot prior to WC Calculating Taxes & Fees
- - _qpilot_scheduled_order_total filed // Stores the original total from QPilot ( incl. Shipping ) prior to WC Calculating Taxes & Fees
- - _qpilot_next_occurrence_utc field // Stores the UTC Date when this order was suppose to process
- - _qpilot_next_occurrence_offset field // Stores the Next Occurrence Offset value for this order
- - _qpilot_payment_gateway_response field // Stores the payment gateways response to the Payment Process request
- - _qpilot_scheduled_order_metadata field // Stores any Metadata passed through QPilot originating from the WC Order Checkout data
- - _qpilot_scheduled_order_payment_method field // Stores the Payment Method object from QPilot used to Process this Order
- - _qpilot_pre_discount_shipping_lines field // Stores the Shipping Fee lines applied to the Order
- - _qpilot_site_meta field // Stores the Site Metadata from QPilot / WooCommerce at the time this order was Processed
Wc_order_itemmeta Table
- - _autoship_frequency_type feld field // Specifies the Schedule Type for the Associated Scheduled Order in QPilot ( i.e. Months, Weeks, Days )
- - _autoship_frequency feld field // Specifies the Schedule Interval for the Associated Scheduled Order in QPilot ( i.e. 1, 7, 30 )
- - _qpilot_scheduled_order_item_id field // Stores the corresponding Scheduled Order Items ID from QPilot
- - _qpilot_scheduled_order_item field // Stores the corresponding Scheduled Order Item Object from QPilot
- - _qpilot_scheduled_order_item_cycles field // Stores the current Processing Cycle for the Order Item
- - _qpilot_product_metadata field // Stores the Product metadata currently attached to the Product on this Scheduled Order Item in QPilot