Can I prevent changes to Scheduled Orders before they process?
Yes! You can lock Scheduled Orders before they process. This is a two step process as outlined here: Locking Scheduled Orders
What is the Lock Window?
Some merchants may need to prevent changes to Scheduled Orders that are approaching their next occurrence date and are about to process.
- For example, some meal delivery and supply businesses need 1 or 2 days to fulfill or prepare an order before it actually ships out to the customer.
Autoship Cloud's hosted service, QPilot, offers an optional feature for these types of merchants called "Lock Window". The setting can be found in your connected QPilot Site's Edit Site > Options (tab) >> Update Scheduled Orders: Lock Window.
- The Lock Window is the number of days prior to a Scheduled Order's next occurrence date (the day when it will process) that the Customer can no longer make changes to their Scheduled Order.
- The number of days for the Lock Window is known as its Lock Duration. When the Lock Duration (for example "1") is set, customers will not be able to make changes (1) day before their Scheduled Order's next occurrence date.
In the example below the merchant uses a 1-day lock window to prevent changes to Scheduled Orders 1-day before they process. See the Next Occurrence is 1-day after the notification to the customer stating the Scheduled Order started processing?

Note: The Lock Window setting is optional and empty by default for your connected QPilot Site. You can add a Lock Duration to your connected QPilot Site's Lock by logging into your QPilot Merchant Account.
You can learn more about how to use and enable this feature here: Locking Scheduled Orders