How do I Edit Scheduled Order Processing Settings?

You can control and manage when your connected site processes Scheduled Orders. These processing settings can be found in QPilot Merchant Account > Site Dashboard >> Site Settings. From here you can update your connected QPilot Site's Timezone, Processing Start Time and End Time, Lock window (disables changes before Next Occurrence Date), or even set a Processing Offset (processes before the Next Occurrence Date) for Scheduled Orders. 


QPilot always uses the Next Occurrence Date & time to determine when a Scheduled Order is due to process. The Processing Start Time is used to set the Next Occurrence time of Scheduled Orders to the Processing Start Time when they are created.

To learn more, see this doc: Processing Time Settings

This is also where you can Pause or Resume QPilot site processing. This may be an important step during imports and migrations, launching Autoship Cloud, and more!

To learn more, see this doc: Pause or Resume Site Processing