[WooCommerce] 9. Next steps after testing

Once you've tested Autoship Cloud on a staging or development site, you'll want to activate your Online Merchant Account so that you can actually run recurring orders and prepare to launch Autoship Cloud on your production site.

What to do after testing Autoship Cloud on your test site:

  1. Activate your QPilot Merchant Account with a subscription 
    1. This will enable you to run recurring orders so that you can see Scheduled Orders process automatically
    2. You cannot enable live payment integrations or process live Scheduled Orders until you have activated your QPilot Merchant Account with a subscription plan.
  2. Prepare to launch Autoship Cloud on your production (live) site
    1. Integrate your production (live) site with Autoship Cloud (following the same steps performed on your test/staging site)
    2. Continue through each step of our Launch Guide to ensure you are ready to launch successfully

Important: Review Site Settings in Your QPilot Merchant Account

There are specific settings that can only be managed by the owner of the QPilot Merchant Account.

One of the most critical settings to check for your site is "Environment". If you are attempting to create LIVE payment integrations for Autoship Cloud, you'll need to ensure that your connected site's environment is updated to "Production".

You can learn more about the QPilot Merchant Account here.

How do I update my QPilot site from Test mode to Production mode?

  1. Sign into your QPilot Merchant Center (https://merchants.qpilot.cloud).
  2. Select your site and "Edit" from the action menu.
  3. Update the "Environment" setting from Test to Production.
  4. Save your changes!